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Skuif rits sak

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Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing

Bioafbreekbare verpakkingsakke plastiek vir kinderklere ryp plastiek ritssluitsakke klere t-hemp verpakking sakke klere

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Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier
Plastiek Verpakking Sakke Hersluitbare Klein Ziplock Sak Met Ontwerpe Spotprentglans Vir Kosmetiese Ziplock Sak
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing factory
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing details

Die film vervaardig deur outomatiese hoëspoed-filmblaasmasjien HIGH TOUGHNESS & FLAT het die kenmerke van hoë deursigtigheid, hoë taaiheid, plat taaiheid en taaiheid
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier

Hoë temperatuur rand verseëling, vinnige SAK maak spoed, akkurate verseëling en SNY grootte, gladde rand sonder brame
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier

Die 8-KLEURDRUKKER gebruik omgewingsvriendelike ink om ink te vervaardig, met minerale inhoud in ooreenstemming met markstandaarde, eenvormige inkkleur en akkurate kleurpassing
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier

Ons is verbind tot die toepassing van omgewingsvriendelike MATERIALE in ons produkte, die aankoop van GRS-herwinde materiale, bioafbreekbare materiale en ingevoerde nuwe materiale wat geblaas word
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing factory
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing supplier
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing details
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing manufacture
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing factory
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing details
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing factory
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing factory
Vra: Enige grootte wat jy kan doen?
Antwoord: Ja, ons kan dit volgens jou vereistes maak.
Vra: Kan ek my logo daarop plaas, volkleure aan alle kante is OK?
Antwoord: Natuurlik moet u u aretwerk in duidelike AI/PDF of EPS aan ons verskaf. Dan kan ons vorm maak en die ontwerp op die
Vra: Kan ek die kleur gebruik waarvan ek die meeste hou?
Antwoord: Sekerlik, die kleur is opsioneel (volgens pantone-kleur).
Vra: Ek wil die monster maak, hoe gaan dit met die koste.
Antwoord: Dit hang af van die sakgrootte en druklogo, ons bereken die monsterkoste, gereeld ongeveer 80 USD (volgens die ontwerp,
dit sal hoër of laer as 80 USD wees). Ook die monsterfooi terugbetaling na die bestelling.
Vra: Hoe kan ek die monster kry?
Antwoord: Gewoonlik gebruik ons die koerierdiens (UPS / TNT / Fedex / DHL / EMS), maar jy moet eers die monsterfooi betaal, dan sal dit 3-7 neem
dae om jou plek te bereik.
Maak sak
Vra: Hoe gaan dit met jou kwaliteit?
Antwoord: Ons het ons eie warm seëlmasjiene, dit is baie maklik om die kwaliteit te beheer en ons het die derdeparty-inspeksie.
Vra: Wat is die verpakking gedetailleerde inligting?
Antwoord: Gereeld 100 stuks / polybag, ons kan ook volgens u spesifieke versoek. Soos enkelverpakking binneboks ensovoorts.
Vra: Hoe om goedere aan ons te stuur?
Antwoord: Gewoonlik EXW-fabriek, en ons kan FOB Shenzhen / Guangzhou en CIF jou hawe doen, versending per see / per lug / per express is nee
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing details
Biodegradable packing bags plastic for kids clothes frosted plastic zip lock bags clothes t shirt packaging bags clothing details
Bioafbreekbare plastiekverpakkingsakke vir kinderklere / mat ritssluitingssak / pasgemaakte ryp plastiek rits sak ritssluitsak / ryp ritssluitsak / ritssluitsak vir klereverpakking / ryp rits sak t-hemp verpakking plastieksak / rits slot plastieksak met pasgemaakte logo / rits slot plastiek verpakking sak


Maatskappy Naam*