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Rits sak met hanghaak / gat

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CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS

CPE Ziplock Sak Verpakking Sakke met Logo Herwinde Plastiek met Handvatsel Groothandel Plastiek Verpakking vir Klere Pakket PE GRS

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CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS details
Herwinde plastiek CPE ritssluitsak ritssluitsak met handvatsel groothandel plastiek verpakking sakke met logo
Herwinde LDPE 
0,07-0,2 mm hang af van jou sakstyl
Aanvaar pasgemaakte kleure
Vogbestand, waterdig, deursigtig
Selfklevende seël
Pasgemaakte grootte, volg kliënt se idees of ontwerp.
Rand seël
Hitte-seël sweiswerk
Binneste plastieksak vir klere
Aanvaar 8 kleurevir jou ontwerp
1.Gratis monstersbeskikbaar uit ons voorraad.
2. Pasgemaakte monsterkoste kan teruggestuur word.
1. Binne 1 dag vir ons voorraadmonster.
2. Oor ons3-15 daevir pasgemaakte monsters.
Verpakking besonderhede
Binneste pak met polisak, buitenste pak met standaardkarton.
Aflewering tyd
Gewoonlik 2-4 weke (hang af van bestelling en produksie)
30% Aanvanklike deposito en 70% balans van betaling voor versending. Aanvaar T / T, PayPal, kredietkaart, L / C anders soos u versoek word.
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
Die Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is 'n internasionale, vrywillige, volledige produkstandaard wat vereistes stel vir derdeparty-sertifisering van herwinde inhoud, ketting van bewaring, sosiale en omgewingspraktyke en chemiese beperkings. Die doel van die GRS is om die gebruik van herwinde materiale in produkte te verhoog en die skade wat deur die produksie daarvan veroorsaak word, te verminder/uit te skakel.
Die doelstellings van die GRS is:
* Spoor en spoor Herwinde insetmateriaal. 
* Verminder skadelike impak van produksie op mense en die omgewing. 
* Verskaf die versekering dat materiaal in die finale produk werklik herwin en meer volhoubaar verwerk word. 
* Dryf innovasie aan in die aanspreek van kwaliteitskwessies in die gebruik van herwinde materiale.

CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS manufacture
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS manufacture

ritssluitsak met handvatsel

Gemaak van 100% herwinde LDPE
Na-verbruiker materiaal
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS manufacture
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS manufacture

ryp effek
Spesiale deeltjie
Maak drukwerk skoon
Na-verbruiker materiaal
Materiaal wat deur huishoudings of deur kommersiële, industriële en institusionele fasiliteite gegenereer word in hul rol as eindgebruikers van die produk wat nie meer vir die beoogde doel gebruik kan word nie. Dit sluit die terugsendings van materiaal uit die verspreidingsketting in.

Materiaal voor verbruiker
Materiaal wat tydens die vervaardigingsproses van die afvalstroom afgelei word. Uitgesluit is die herbenutting van materiale soos herwerk, hermaal of skroot wat in 'n proses gegenereer word en herwin kan word binne dieselfde proses wat dit gegenereer het.
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
ISO 9001
GRS (Global Recycled Standard)
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
BDP (Afbreek plastiek)
Ons spesialiseer in die verpakkingsbedryf vir 20 jaar en het een kantoor (Dongguan Goolien Packing Technology Co., Ltd) en 2 fabrieke (Dongguan Ruitai Packing Technology Co., Ltd in China en Spring Plastic Co., Ltd in Kambodja), met die kliënte van Adidas, MK, COACH, Amarni, LANCOME, KATE SPACE, ens., Ons kan die selfklevende sak, plat sak, Die cut inkopiesak, supermark inkopiesak, ritssluitsak, greep seël sak, die kledingstuk sak om op te hang, dra sak met trekkoord of handvatsel, pos
sak, posborrelsak, ens. Ons kan LDPE, HDPE, PP, OPP, CPE, EVA, PVC, LDPE / CPE + D2W (OXO-bioafbreekbaar), mieliestysel (komposteerbaar), normale herwinde en GRS herwinde PE ens verskaf ... Ons produkte het die GRS cer, BDP, D2W, ROHS, REACH, BHT, Kompos geslaag ...
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS manufacture
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS details
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS details
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS details
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS factory
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS supplier
Vra: Enige grootte wat jy kan doen?
Antwoord: Ja, ons kan dit volgens jou vereistes maak.
Vra: Kan ek my logo daarop plaas, volkleure aan alle kante is OK?
Antwoord: Natuurlik moet u u aretwerk in duidelike AI/PDF of EPS aan ons verskaf. Dan kan ons vorm maak en die ontwerp op die sak druk.
Vra: Kan ek die kleur gebruik waarvan ek die meeste hou?
Antwoord: Sekerlik, die kleur is opsioneel (volgens pantone-kleur).
Vra: Ek wil die monster maak, hoe gaan dit met die koste.
Antwoord: Dit hang af van die sakgrootte en druklogo, ons bereken die monsterkoste, gereeld ongeveer 80 USD (volgens die ontwerp, sal dit hoër of laer as 80 USD wees). Ook die monsterfooi terugbetaling na die bestelling.
Vra: Hoe kan ek die monster kry?
Antwoord: Gewoonlik gebruik ons die koerierdiens (UPS / TNT / Fedex / DHL / EMS), maar jy moet eers die monsterfooi betaal, dan sal dit 3-7 dae neem om jou plek te bereik.
Maak sak
Vra: Hoe gaan dit met jou kwaliteit?
Antwoord: Ons het ons eie warm seëlmasjiene, dit is baie maklik om die kwaliteit te beheer en ons het die derdeparty-inspeksie.
Vra: Wat is die verpakking gedetailleerde inligting?
Antwoord: Gereeld 100 stuks / polybag, ons kan ook volgens u spesifieke versoek. Soos enkelverpakking binneboks ensovoorts.
Vra: Hoe om goedere aan ons te stuur?
Antwoord: Gewoonlik EXW-fabriek, en ons kan FOB Shenzhen / Guangzhou en CIF jou hawe doen, versending per see / per lug / per express is nee
CPE Ziplock Bag Packaging Bags with Logo Recycled Plastic with Handle Wholesale Plastic Packaging for Clothing Package PE GRS details


Maatskappy Naam*