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For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging

Vir verpakking Herwin inkopiesakke met logo's Groothandel Pasgemaakte Die Cut Handvatsel Plastiek Bioafbreekbare China Klere Verpakking

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For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture



PlastiekDie gesnyde handvatsel inkopiesak


GRS / Bioafbreekbaar / PLA


Verpakking vir inkopies / produkte ens


Aanpassing op aanvraag


Pantone kleur


For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture

Goeie drukeffek

Eko-vriendelike ink is veiliger
Vogbestand en waterdig
Hoë temperatuur en hoë humiditeitsbestande ink, en het 2023 Europese inkmineraalinhoudvereistes bereik
Omgewingsbeskermingsmateriaal (GRS, bioafbreekbaar) aangepas, volledige sertifikaat
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture


Bioafbreekbare sak met handvatsel
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier


Herwin plastieksak met handvatsel
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory


Bioafbreekbare sak met handvatsel
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging manufacture
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details

Pakket sak daaglikse produksie 2,000,000 stuks / dag
Gevorderde toerusting vir filmblaas

Fabriek is toegerus met 35 produksielyne
8-kleur drukmasjien
10 stelle kwaliteit inspeksietoerusting

Streng in ooreenstemming met internasionale QC-standaarde om kwaliteit te beheer

Klik om meer te wete te kom >>>
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging supplier
Ons maatskappy het BSCI, ISO9001, TUV-huiskompos, industriële kompos, GRS-herwinningsertifisering. Kan TC-sertifikaat uitreik, deur
Duitsland, Frankryk verpakkingswetgewing, produkte het die REACH, ROHS en ander toetse geslaag, in ooreenstemming met die Europese en Amerikaanse mark
Sien meer>>>
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging factory
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
Klik om uit te vind wat om te doen aan plastiekbesoedeling >>>
For Packaging Recycle Shopping Bags with Logos Wholesale Custom Die Cut Handle Plastic Biodegradable China Clothing Packaging details
V: Kan jy enige grootte maak?
A: Ja, ons kan dit volgens jou vereistes maak.
V: Kan ek my logo daarop plaas?
A: Natuurlik kan jy ons van jou werk voorsien in duidelike formate soos Al / PDFIPSD / EPS / CDR. Ons sal ontwerp en setwerk volgens jou vereistes en gedrukte koperplate maak om jou werk te druk.
V: Kan ek my gunsteling kleur gebruik?
A: Natuurlik is die kleur opsioneel (Pantone Solid Coated kleur)
V: l wil monsters maak, hoe gaan dit met die koste?
A: dit hang af van die grootte van die sak en die gedrukte logo, jy kan ons kliëntediens raadpleeg om die monsterkoste te bereken. Monster
fooi kan terugbetaal word nadat 'n sekere hoeveelheid bereik is)
V: Hoe is jou kwaliteit?
A: Ons het ons eie fabriek, die kwaliteit is maklik om te beheer, en daar is 'n derdeparty-inspeksie, jy is welkom om saam te werk of
Besoek die fabriek vir inspeksie.
V: Wat is die verpakking?
A: Ons het twee verpakkingsmetodes, binnelands en uitvoer, en ons kan ook die verpakkingsmetode verander volgens jou
Vereistes. Die verpakking is streng om skade aan die goedere tydens vervoer te voorkom.
V: Hoe om die goedere aan my te stuur?
A: Volgens die afleweringsadres en die gewig van die goedere wat jy verskaf, kies die geskikste. Toepaslike logistiek of
Express (see, lug, logistieke uitdruklikheid)
V: Is daar monsters vir verwysing?
A: Ja, jy kan ons kliëntediens raadpleeg vir besonderhede. Ons verskaf gratis monsters vir jou verwysing. Ons produseer hoofsaaklik
Bioafbreekbare plastieksakke, klereverpakkingsakke, skuimpossakke, snelsakke, ritssluitingssakke, herwinbare plastieksakke en ander
reeks industriële verpakking. Met 'n volledige keuse van saktipes en -materiale, kan onafhanklike produksie beter aan die
vereistes van spesiale pasgemaakte prosesse.
1. Pasgemaakte produkte word nie aanvaar vir nie-kwaliteit probleme verkoopsopbrengs nie
2. As jy nie weet watter grootte jy moet aanpas en watter malerial om te kies nie, kan jy kliëntediens raadpleeg, ons sal jou deur die hele proses van professionele pasgemaakte dienste voorsien
3. Ons is fabriek direkte verkope, daar is geen middelman, klein winste maar vinnige omset, hoe meer pasgemaakte hoeveelheid, hoe goedkoper is die prys
4. Om drukkleurfoute te vermy, verskaf asseblief die internasionale pantone-kleurnommer (Pantone Solid Coated) / of
onderhandel met kliëntediens om die Pantone-kleurnommer te bepaal wat jy benodig


Maatskappy Naam*