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Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags

Gereed om te stuur 420 reukbestande hersluitbare rits Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Vorm Mylar Sakke

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Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags
Produk Beskrywing
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags details
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags details
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags manufacture
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags manufacture
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags manufacture
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags manufacture
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags details
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags manufacture
Ready To Ship 420 Smell Proof Resealable Zipper Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Shape Mylar Bags factory
Plek van oorsprong
Model nommer
Oppervlakte hantering
Diepdruk druk
Industriële gebruik
Spesifieke gebruik
jellie, melk, suiker, toebroodjie, koek, brood, versnapering, sjokolade, suigstokkie, noedels, pizza, kougom, olyfolie, slaai, sushi, koekie, geurmiddels en speserye, blikkieskos, lekkergoed, babakos, troeteldierkos, aartappelskyfies, hamburger, neute en pitte, ander kos
Materiële struktuur
Sak Tipe
Staan op sakkie
Verseëling en handvatsel
Rits bokant
Pasgemaakte bestelling
Plastiek tipe
Verpakking vir produkte ens
TUV / OK-Kompos / GRS / EN13432 / BSCI / EN137 / REACH / ROHS / ISO9001 / ISO2008
Eko-vriendelike materiale
Mieliestysel / GRS / Bioafbreekbaar / Herwin
PE / CPE / Mieliestysel / D2W / EPI / ECO
Diepdruk 1 ~ 9 kleure / offsetdruk
Produk Naam
Opstaan sakkie Mylar-sak
Aanvaar pasgemaakte logo-drukwerk
Aanpassing op aanvraag
1. Wie is ons?
Ons is gebaseer in Guangdong, China, begin vanaf 2019, verkoop aan Wes-Europa (20,00%), Noord-Amerika (15,00%), Oseanië (15,00%), Suid-Europa (10,00%), Binnelandse mark (10,00%), Suidoos-Asië (10,00%), Suid-Asië (5,00%), Oos-Asië (5,00%), Noord-Europa (5,00%), Oos-Europa (5,00%). Daar is altesaam ongeveer 11-50 mense in ons kantoor.

2. Hoe kan ons kwaliteit waarborg?
Altyd 'n voorproduksiemonster voor massaproduksie;
Altyd finale inspeksie voor versending;

3. Wat kan jy by ons koop?
Bioafbreekbare en gekomposteerde sak, GRS herwinde sak, ritssluitingsak, possak, verpakkingsak vir klere

4. Hoekom moet jy by ons koop nie by ander verskaffers nie?
Ons is 'n professionele direkte fabriek van plastieksakke. Ons spesialiseer al 21 jaar in hierdie veld met goeie gehalte en mededingende prys. Al ons produkte word aangepas volgens kliënte se vereistes. Die prys hang af van jou vereistes

5. Watter dienste kan ons lewer?
Aanvaarde afleweringsvoorwaardes: FOB, EXW, DDP, Express Aflewering;
Aanvaarde betalingsgeldeenheid: USD, CNY;
Aanvaarde betaling tipe: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Western Union, Kontant;
Taal gepraat: Engels, Chinees
Gereed om te stuur 420 reukvaste hersluitbare rits Calipack 3.5g Die Cut Vorm Mylar Sakke Die Cut Shape Mylar Sakke / 420 Cali Pack / Reukvaste sak Calipacks


Maatskappy Naam*