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Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper

Mylar-eko poltsa kremailerarekin 3.5 usain proban, jolly mancher plastiko formako trokelatutako botila inprimatua

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Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper
Produktuaren deskribapena
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper details
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper details
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper supplier
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper supplier
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper manufacture
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper manufacture
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper supplier
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper details
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper manufacture
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper supplier
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper factory
Custom Printed bottle Die Cut Shaped jolly mancher Plastic Smell Proof 3.5 Mylar Bag with Zipper factory
Eredu zenbakia
Gainazalen erabilera
Erabilera industriala
Erabilera espezifikoa
Gelatina, Esnea, Azukrea, Sándwich, Pastela, Ogia, bokadilloa, txokolatea, Piruleta, Fideos, Pizza, Maskara-goma, OLIBA-OLIOA, Entsalada, Sushi, Galleta, Kondimentuak eta kondimentuak, Janari lotua, GOZOKIAK, umeentzako bazkaria, MASKOTAK, PAPAS FRITAS, Hamburguesa, Intxaurrak eta aleak, Beste elikagai batzuk
Materialaren egitura
Poltsa mota
Zutik zegoen poltsa
Zigilatzea eta eskulekua
Goiko aldea kremailerarekin
Eskaera pertsonalizatua
Plastiko mota
Produktuen enbalajea, etab.
ISO2008/ OK-Compost/ GRS/ EN13432/ BSCI/ BSCI/ BSCI/ BSCI/ TUV/ ISO9001/
Ingurumena errespetatzen duten materialak
Arto-almidoia/ GRS/ Biodegradagarria/ Birziklatua
PE/CPE/ Arto-almidoia/ D2W/EPI/ECO
Inprimaketa huecograbado 1 ~ 9 colores / Impresión offset
Pantone kolorea/ Pertsonalizazioa
Produktuaren izena
Mylar Stand Up Pouch burtsa
Logotipo pertsonalizatuaren inprimaketa onartzea
Eskaerapeko pertsonalizazioa
Galdera ohikoenak
1. Nor gara?
Guangdongen, Txinan, 2019tik aurrera, Mendebaldeko Europa (%20.00), Ipar Amerika (%15.00), Ozeania (%15.00), Hegoaldeko Europa (%10.00), Merkatu Nazionala (%10.00), Asiako Hego-ekialdea (%10.00), Hego Asia (%5.00), Ekialdeko Asia (%5.00), Ipar Europako Europa (%5.00), Ekialdeko Europa (%5.00), Ekialdeko Europa (%5.00) eta Ekialdeko Europa (%5.00) saltzen ditugu. Guztira, 11 eta 50 pertsona artean daude gure bulegoan.

2. Nola berma dezakegu kalitatea?
Beti aurreprodukzioaren lagin bat, masa-ekoizpena baino lehen;
Beti azken ikuskapena bidalketa baino lehen;

3. Zer eros diezaguke guri?
Poltsa Biodegradagarria eta Konpostatua, GRS Poltsa Birziklatua, Ziplock Poltsa, Posta Poltsa, Arroparako Enbalaje Poltsa

4. Zergatik erosi behar gaitu guri eta ez beste hornitzaile batzuei?
Plastikozko poltsen fabrika zuzena gara. 21 urtez aritu gara arlo honetan, kalitate onarekin eta prezio lehiakorrarekin. Gure produktu guztiak bezeroen betekizunen arabera pertsonalizatzen dira. Prezioa bere beharren araberakoa da

5. Zein zerbitzu eskaini ditzakegu?
Onartutako entrega-baldintzak: FOB, EXW, DDP, presazko entrega;
Onartutako ordainketa-dirua: USD, CNY;
Onartutako ordainketa mota: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Western Union, eskudirua;
Hizkuntza hiztunak: Ingelesa, Txinera
Botila inprimatua/ Poltsas de Mylar troqueladas personalizatuak / Mylar-eko poltsa pertsonalizatuak 3.5


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