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Kalitatezko poltsa plastikozkoak, biodegradagarriak, arroparako.

Kalitatezko poltsa plastikozkoak, biodegradagarriak, arroparako.

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Produktuaren aurkezpena
Kalitatezko poltsa plastikozkoak, biodegradagarriak, arroparako.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier

Material aurkezpena
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Enpresaren profila
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Fabrikazio teknika
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Enbalatzea eta banaketa
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Zer da hori?
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture

Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details

Zenbaterainoko larritasuna du plastikoaren kutsaketak?
plastikoaren kutsadura
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Zenbaterainoko larritasuna du plastikoaren kutsaketak?
· plastikoa da zabortegietan biltegiratutako bigarren iturria
· Urtero 8 milioi tona plastikozko hondakin baino gehiago itsasoan amaitzen dira
Minutuero zabor kamioi handi batek itsasora botatzen ditu zaborra.
· 8 mila milioi tona plastiko baino gehiago ekoiztu dira munduan
%9 birziklatzen da eta %90 lurperatzen, erretzen eta itsasora botatzen da.
Plastikoaren kutsadura ipar eta hego poloetara iritsi da, eta lurra galdu da.
· Gizakiak sortutako plastikoaren kutsadurak kalte egin diezaioke bere osasunari
· Mikroplastikoek bakterioak harrapatzen dituzte eta giza gorputzari kalte iraunkorrak eragin ditzaketen gai toxikoak dituzte
-...Plastikozko hondakinak ere aurkitu dituzte Mariana Leizeko lubakian, lurreko lekurik sakonenean, 10.928 metroko sakoneran.
· urtero, milioi bat itsas izaki baino gehiagok arnas hartzeari uzten diote plastikoaren kutsaduraren ondorioz
-...2050. urtean, ozeanoetako plastikozko hondakinen pisuak arrainen pisu osoa gaindituko du.
· Australiako Newcastleko Unibertsitateak egindako azterketa baten arabera, munduko pertsona batek astero 5 gramo plastiko sartzen ditu gorputzean, kreditu txartelaren pisua baliokidea.
-...2018ko azaroaren 25ean, 5,25 trilloi plastiko zeuden ozeanoan, eta horien % 92 mikroplastikoak ziren.
· plastikozko produktuak mendeetan zehar degradatu gabe egon daitezke, zientzialariek diote.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture

Mundu osoko jendeak astero txartel bat jaten du.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Itsasoko animaliak sufritzen ari dira.
Orain arte, itsas dortoka espezie guztiak, itsas-falkako espezieen heren bat, baleen espezieen herena, itsas hegaztien espezieen laurdena, denak plastikoan harrapatuta egotearen oinazearen pean daude. Urtean milioi bat organismo baino gehiago kutsatuta daude plastikoarekin.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Ikerlariek aurkitu dute
Muskuilu batek 900 plastiko-partikuluren bat du, 6 ostrak 500 plastiko-partikuluren bat eta izkira-pilaketak 9.000 plastiko-partikuluren bat. Mikroplastikoak 5 mm baino gutxiago dituzten plastiko-partikulak dira.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Munduko plastikoaren kontsumoa
Australiako Newcastle Unibertsitateak egindako azken ikerketak erakusten du munduko pertsona batek astero 5 gramo plastiko jaten dituela, kreditu txartelaren pisua.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory

Lurra babestea betiko gaia da. Goolien Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. munduaren garapenarekin bat egiten du. Erakusketaren urratsetan, produktu berriak garatzen saiatzen gara era guztietako material ekologikoak erabiliz.

Harremanetan jarri.

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