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Tá cáilíocht mhaith pe saincheaptha mála zipper lógó le poll crochta biodegradable málaí plaisteach zip beag slác le haghaidh éadaí

Tá cáilíocht mhaith pe saincheaptha mála zipper lógó le poll crochta biodegradable málaí plaisteach zip beag slác le haghaidh éadaí

  • forbhreathnú
  • fiosrúchán
  • táirgí gaolmhara
cur isteach ar tháirge
Tá cáilíocht mhaith pe saincheaptha mála zipper lógó le poll crochta biodegradable málaí plaisteach zip beag slác le haghaidh éadaí
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier

cur isteach ábhair
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
próifíl na cuideachta
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details
teicníc déantúsaíochta
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
pacáistiú & seachadadh
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes supplier
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture

Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes details

cé chomh tromchúiseach is atá truailliú plaisteach?
truailliú plaisteach
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
cé chomh tromchúiseach is atá truailliú plaisteach?
· is é an phlaisteach an dara foinse is mó dramhaíola a stóráiltear i dtír dhruid
· críochnaíonn níos mó ná 8 mhilliún tonna dramhaíola plaisteacha san aigéan gach bliain
· gach nóiméad cuireann trucail dhramhaíl mór a dhramhaíl isteach san aigéan
· tá níos mó ná 8 billiún tonna plaisteach táirgeadh ar fud an domhain
· Athchúrsáltar 9% agus déantar 90% a adhlacadh, a dhó agus a chaitheamh isteach san fharraige
· tá truailliú plaisteach tar éis teacht go dtí na pólaí thuaidh agus ó dheas, agus cailleadh an talamh íon is déanaí ar domhan
· is féidir le truailliú plaisteach a tháirgeann daoine dochar a dhéanamh dá sláinte féin sa deireadh
· cuireann micreaplaistigh bacraí i gcluas agus tá ceimiceáin tocsaineacha iontu a d'fhéadfadh damáiste dochreidte a dhéanamh do chorp an duine
·Tá dramhaíl plaisteach le fáil freisin i Troscán Mariana, an chuid is doimhne ar domhan, ag 10,928 méadar deimhne
· gach bliain, stopann níos mó ná milliún créatúr mara ag maireachtáil mar gheall ar thruailliú plaisteach
·Faoi 2050, beidh meáchan iomlán na dramhaíola plaisteacha sna farraigeanna níos mó ná meáchan iomlán na n-iasc
· de réir staidéir le déanaí ó Ollscoil Newcastle san Astráil, inghill an duine meán domhanda 5 gram plaisteach ina chorp gach seachtain, atá comhionann le meáchan cárta creidmheasa
·Ón 25 Samhain 2018, bhí meastachán ann go raibh 5.25 trilliún píosa plaiste i ngleann, agus bhí 92% de na pictiúir plaisteacha
· d'fhéadfadh táirgí plaisteacha fanacht gan a bheith díghrádú ar feadh na gcéadta bliain, a deir eolaithe.
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture

gach duine ar domhan "ithe" cárta creidmheasa amháin gach seachtain
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory
Tá ainmhithe mara ag fulaingt
Go dtí seo, tháinig gach speiceas de thurtleacha farraige, níos mó ná dhá thrian de speiceas seal, an trian de speiceas na mbéalaí, an ceathrú cuid de speiceas éanlaithe na farraige go léir i gcúis na pian a bheith gafa le plaisteach... in aghaidh na
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
fuair na taighdeoirí
Tá thart ar 900 cáithnín plaisteacha i meán-mhéile, agus tá thart ar 500 cáithnín plaisteacha i 6 uiscí, agus tá 9,000 cáithnín plaisteacha i measc an chuid iontach de shreabón. Is éard atá i "microplastics" ná cáithníní plaisteacha a
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes manufacture
tomhaltas meán seachtainiúil plaisteach domhanda
Léiríonn an staidéar is déanaí ag Ollscoil Newcastle san Astráil go inghill an duine ar an domhan 5 gram de phlaisteach gach seachtain, atá comhionann le meáchan cárta creidmheasa. Adsorbíonn cáithníní plaisteacha baictéir agus tá ceimiceáin tocsaineacha iontu a dhéanfaidh damáiste
Nice quality pe customize zipper bag logo with hanging hole biodegradable small zip lock plastic bags for clothes factory

Tá cosaint an domhain ina ábhar síoraí. co. comhdhéanamh pacáistithe goolien, ltd. coinníonn le forbairt an domhain.i gcroí an taispeántais, táimid tiomanta do tháirgí nua a fhorbairt ag baint úsáide as gach cineál ábhar atá cairdiúil don chomhshaol. cuireann guanglian a chuid is

teagmháil a dhéanamh

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