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Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window

Vodootporna matirana odjeća plastična vrećica pakiranje dobro brtvljenje prilagođeni logotip ispis odjeće ziplock vrećice s prozorom

  • Pregled
  • Upit
  • Srodni proizvodi
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window
Uvod u proizvod
Vodootporna matirana odjeća plastična vrećica pakiranje dobro brtvljenje prilagođeni logotip ispis odjeće ziplock vrećice s prozorom
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Uvod u materijal
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Profil tvrtke
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Tehnika proizvodnje
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Pakiranje i dostava
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory

Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window factory

Koliko je ozbiljno onečišćenje plastikom?
Zagađenje plastikom
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Koliko je ozbiljno onečišćenje plastikom?
· Plastika je drugi najveći izvor uskladištenog otpada na odlagalištima
· Više od 8 milijuna tona plastičnog otpada završi u oceanu svake godine
· Svake minute veliki kamion za smeće baca svoje smeće u ocean
· U svijetu je proizvedeno više od 8 milijardi tona plastike
· 9% se reciklira, a 90% se zakopa, spali i baci u more
· Zagađenje plastikom stiglo je do Sjevernog i Južnog pola, a izgubljena je i posljednja čista zemlja na Zemlji
· Onečišćenje plastikom koje proizvode ljudi može u konačnici naštetiti vlastitom zdravlju
· Mikroplastika zarobljava bakterije i sadrži otrovne kemikalije koje mogu uzrokovati nepovratnu štetu ljudskom tijelu
·Plastični otpad pronađen je i u Marijanskoj brazi, najdubljem dijelu Zemlje, na dubini od 10.928 metara
· Svake godine više od milijun morskih stvorenja prestane disati zbog onečišćenja plastikom
·Do 2050. ukupna masa plastičnog otpada u oceanima premašit će ukupnu težinu ribe
· Prema nedavnoj studiji Sveučilišta u Newcastleu u Australiji, globalna prosječna osoba unosi 5 grama plastike u svoje tijelo svaki tjedan, što je ekvivalentno težini kreditne kartice
·Procjenjuje se da je od 25. studenog 2018. u oceanu bilo 5,25 bilijuna komada plastike, od čega je 92% bila mikroplastika
· Plastični proizvodi mogu ostati nerazgrađeni stoljećima, kažu znanstvenici. Kriza onečišćenja plastikom mogla bi dovesti do "trajnog onečišćenja planeta
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window supplier

Svi na svijetu "pojedu" jednu kreditnu karticu svaki tjedan
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Morske životinje pate
Do sada su sve vrste morskih kornjača, više od dvije trećine vrsta tuljana, jedna trećina vrsta kitova, jedna četvrtina vrsta morskih ptica Sve su pale u bol zapetljavanja u plastiku... Godišnje Više od milijun morskih organizama zagađeno je plastikom prestati disati Globalna godišnja proizvodnja plastike prelazi 300 milijuna tona A ti se plastični proizvodi ne mogu razgraditi Koristili smo ga dan, jednom ili čak 10 sekundi Komad plastike koji će zauvijek ostati na ovom planetu
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Istraživači su otkrili
Prosječna dagnja sadrži oko 900 plastičnih čestica, dok 6 kamenica sadrži oko 500 plastičnih čestica, a porcija kozica sadrži zapanjujućih 9,000 plastičnih čestica. "Mikroplastika" su plastične čestice zapremine manje od 5 mm. Oni ulaze u hranu koju jedemo, vodu koju pijemo, pa čak i zrak koji udišemo...
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window manufacture
Globalna prosječna tjedna potrošnja plastike
Najnovija studija Sveučilišta u Newcastleu u Australiji pokazuje da prosječna osoba na svijetu unosi 5 grama plastike svaki tjedan, što je ekvivalentno težini kreditne kartice. Čestice plastike adsorbiraju bakterije i sadrže otrovne kemikalije koje će nanijeti nepovratnu štetu ljudskom tijelu.
Waterproof frosted clothes plastic bag packaging good sealing custom logo printing clothing ziplock bags with window details

Zaštita Zemlje vječna je tema. Goolien Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. ide u korak s razvojem svijeta. Slijedeći izložbu, predani smo razvoju novih proizvoda koristeći sve vrste ekološki prihvatljivih materijala. Guanglian daje sve od sebe doprinoseći zaštiti okoliša i daje punu ulogu našoj društvenoj odgovornosti.


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