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Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches

Reciklaža Die Cut Milar torbe Prilagođena nepravilna torba sa zatvaračem sa prozorom Specijalno oblikovane vrećice za pakovanje Plastične torbice sa patentnim zatvaračem

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Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches
Opis proizvoda
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches details
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches factory
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches factory
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches details
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches manufacture
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches factory
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Recycle Die Cut Mylar Bags Customized Irregular Ziplock Bag With Window Special Shaped Packaging Sachets Plastic Zipper Pouches supplier
Mesto porekla
San-Tome i Prinsipi
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Površinsko rukovanje
Industrijska upotreba
Specifična upotreba
žele, mleko, šećer, sendvič, torta, hleb, užina, čokolada, lizalica, rezanci, pica, žvakaće gume, maslinovo ulje, salata, suši, kolačić, začini i začini, konzervirana hrana, SLATKIŠE, hrana za bebe, hrana za kućne ljubimce, čips, hamburger, orašasti plodovi i zrna, ostala hrana
Struktura materijala
Tip torbe
Side Gusset Torba
Zaptivanje i rukovanje
Rajsferšlus Vrh
Prilagođeni nalog
Tip plastike
Ime i prezime
Milar torbe - Prilagođene štampane torbe koje se mogu ponovo zatvoriti
Prilagođena boja Prihvaćena
Prihvatite prilagođenu veličinu
Prihvatite prilagođeno štampanje logotipa
Damands kupaцa
Zahtevi kupaca
Industrijska upotreba
1. Ko smo mi?
Mi smo sa sedištem u Guangdong, Kina, početi od 2019. godine, prodati u zapadnoj Evropi (20.00%), Severnoj Americi (15.00%), Okeaniji (15.00%), Južnoj Evropi (10.00%), domaćem tržištu (10.00%), jugoistočnoj Aziji (10.00%), Južnoj Aziji (5.00%), Istočnoj Aziji (5.00%), Severnoj Evropi (5.00%), Istočnoj Evropi (5.00%). U našoj kancelariji ima ukupno oko 11-50 ljudi.

2. Kako možemo garantovati kvalitet?
Uvek predproizvodni uzorak pre masovne proizvodnje;
Uvek konačna inspekcija pre isporuke;

3.Vhat možete kupiti od nas?
Biorazgradive i kompostirane bag, GRS reciklirane torbe, Ziplock bag, poštanske torbe, pakovanje Torba za odeću

4. Zašto bi trebalo da kupujete od nas, a ne od drugih dobavljača?
Mi smo profesionalna direktna fabrika plastičnih kesa. Specijalizovani smo u ovoj oblasti već 21 godinu sa dobrim kvalitetom i konkurentnom cenom. Svi naši proizvodi su prilagođeni zahtevima kupaca. Cena zavisi od vaših zahteva

5. Koje usluge možemo pružiti?
Prihvaćeno Uslovi isporuke: FOB, EKSV, DDP, Ekpress Deliveri;
Prihvaćena valuta plaćanja: USD, CNY;
Prihvaćeno Tip plaćanja: T / T, L / C, PayPal, Vestern Union, Gotovina;
Jezik koji se govori: engleski, kineski
Recikirajte Die Cut Milar torbe Prilagođene nepravilne vrećice sa zatvaračem sa prozorom Specijalno oblikovane vrećice za pakovanje Plastične vrećice sa patentnim zatvaračem KSNUMKS Milar Bag Pakovanje hrane Plastične kese / Prilagođene lizalice / Prilagođena plastična torba sa zatvaračem


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